Well, one more cat story just happened to me!

Kinja'd!!! "Flavien Vidal" (flyingfrenchy)
10/19/2016 at 06:40 • Filed to: None

Kinja'd!!!15 Kinja'd!!! 17

I’m not sure what the fuck is up with Japan and cats but damn... I was driving in the middle of my city on the main street, right during rush hour. Stop at a traffic light, gave a quick look to the car in front of me on my right side: Holy shit a 2 months old kitten fell from under the car, near the exhaust, turned around on himself, panicked and desappeared back under the car! Parking brake, jumped out of my car, and rush to the other stopped car, knocking at the driver’s window: “There’s a tiny cat somewhere under/inside your car!”. The woman look at me weirdly. “Hum, yeah I heard little noises...”.

Duh you idiot! The little thing was meowing like crazy! I get under the car, can’t see a cat or anything but I keep on hearing it... I was afraid that he got inside a spring or something but apparently not. I get under a bit further and I see it ON TOP of the exhaust, stuck in there. I touched the exhaust, it was hot but not “I’m burning” kind of hot. Good thing it was a kei-car, the tip of the exhaust of my RX7, 2+ meters away from the engine can burn cloth in seconds!

I managed to grab the thing, wit hthe entire traffic on lockdown as we were blocking everything... I hand the cat to the woman: “Oh no I’m sorry, I can’t have a cat...”. WTF?? Really??

I run back to my car the cat in my hands, trying to escape and with a crazy heartbeat. I leave and the little thing frees himself from my hand inside the car! Fuuuuuuuck!

I stop the car as fast as possible on the side of the road. He is INSIDE my dasboard! Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!

I open the door, it’s night already here and trying to catch him from somewhere near the gauge access but can’t right away. I spend a good 5 minutes under there trying to catch him. I managed to push him over the steering column and finally grab him... This time, not letting him escape!!

I drove right away to my vet who offers kitten for adoption all the time, they took him and now he is being cleaned up and will find a new owner certainly very soon, considering he is really small and these kind of cats gets adopted really quickly.

Fucking hell, what an evening!

It’s a girl, before leaving I told the assistant vet: “Her name is Borla-chan btw!”:)

She looks like this, but a lot dirtier and smell like exhaust lol



Kinja'd!!! beardsbynelly - Rikerbeard > Flavien Vidal
10/19/2016 at 06:56


Cat back exhaust?

Kinja'd!!! Flavien Vidal > beardsbynelly - Rikerbeard
10/19/2016 at 06:57


hahaha not a very agressive sound though :)

Kinja'd!!! kanadanmajava1 > Flavien Vidal
10/19/2016 at 07:57


You must be a pretty good car wrangler as your story didn’t have the final part in a hospital. I would have hundreds of holes in my hands if I would try to handle a scared kitten.

Kinja'd!!! DipodomysDeserti > beardsbynelly - Rikerbeard
10/19/2016 at 08:00


Pack it in, folks, we’re done here.

Kinja'd!!! Flavien Vidal > kanadanmajava1
10/19/2016 at 08:08


Lol, she was fairly small and she didn’t hurt me much with her claws. Also, my car redlines at 9000rpm, so I went all the way to the vet without shifting, starting and staying in 2nd gear ;)

I could hold her with one hand easily.

Kinja'd!!! TheRealBicycleBuck > Flavien Vidal
10/19/2016 at 08:29


It could have been worse. I was on a two-lane highway, doing about 60 mph when a kitten dropped out of the wheel well of a truck going the other direction. It did a 50+mph slide into my lane. I had nowhere to go - ditch on one side and oncoming truck on the other. Thankfully, the end was quick since the little kitty went under the driver’s side tires.

Thinking about it still makes me sad. Poor little kitty.

Kinja'd!!! kanadanmajava1 > Flavien Vidal
10/19/2016 at 08:31


You were probably quite a sight while revving the Wankel heavily while holding a kitten.

“A crazy foreigner was punishing his cat with a really weird method today...”

Kinja'd!!! Flavien Vidal > TheRealBicycleBuck
10/19/2016 at 08:33


Arf that sucks indeed :(

Traffic was really slow in my case I didn’t have any problem blocking a couple hundred of cars to catch the kitten either haha

Kinja'd!!! Andy Sheehan, StreetsideStig > Flavien Vidal
10/19/2016 at 08:36


Haha! Borla-chan. Love it.

Kinja'd!!! Flavien Vidal > kanadanmajava1
10/19/2016 at 08:37


Haha I didn’t think of it that way but yes, definitely not usual around here lol

Kinja'd!!! X37.9XXS > Flavien Vidal
10/19/2016 at 08:42



Kinja'd!!! Mustang 'DontHitTheCrowd' GT > TheRealBicycleBuck
12/04/2016 at 09:37


I was expecting a happy ending. :(

Kinja'd!!! Steve in Manhattan > Flavien Vidal
12/04/2016 at 14:14


Awww - good job. We adopted 2 rescues about 4 years ago, and they are the best behaved cats either of us has had.


Kinja'd!!! TheRealBicycleBuck > Mustang 'DontHitTheCrowd' GT
12/04/2016 at 17:31


Sorry to disappoint.

Kinja'd!!! Manwich - now Keto-Friendly > Flavien Vidal
12/04/2016 at 18:36


Yup... could have been much worse... like how things ended for Shari Bobbins:

Kinja'd!!! Sam > TheRealBicycleBuck
12/04/2016 at 21:19


You tried. Human life > kittens, unfortunately.

Kinja'd!!! damnthisburnershitsux > Flavien Vidal
12/05/2016 at 09:45



that’s why my kitties stay indoors